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Dan Foley, Former Judge


"Article I, Section 23 “is the only provision in our Bill of Rights that takes away rights rather than recognizes or grants rights. It’s the only provision in our state constitution designed and adopted to target and discriminate against a minority of our population, in this case, members of our LGBTQ community. Remove this discriminatory and unconstitutional provision from our Bill of Rights. Let the people vote once again. This time for civil rights!”

Steve Levinson, Former Hawaii Supreme Court Justice


"Today, the Hawaii Bill of Rights prohibits all sex discrimination by the State. Except for the Legislature’s “authority” to deny same-sex couples’ access to marriage. By passing this Constitutional Amendment, the State could not constitutionally deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples. To do so would be unlawful sex discrimination."

Doug Chin, 14th Attorney General of Hawaiʻi


"Hawai‘i has historically embraced and fought for the civil rights and recognition of all people including the LGBTQ community. Leaving Article 1, Section 23 in the Constitution does not reflect today’s values, is confusing to an entire generation of residents, and, if there ever is a darker future chapter, could inflict harm."

Adrian Tam, State Representative

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"Marriage equality is a civil right.
Passing ballot question #1 will safeguard our state's legacy of protecting the freedom to marry for all who call Hawai'i home."

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